Message from JAMA Canada
Welcome. (Yokoso!)
JAMA Canada was established in 1984 to enhance understanding on trade and economic issues in the automotive sector and to promote closer cooperation between Canada and Japan . While the auto industry in Canada has changed dramatically over the past twenty years, we continue to pursue our original mandate.
Our website is designed to provide information about the Japanese-affiliated auto industry in Canada to anyone interested in news, statistics, facts and opinions about our members’ activities and the auto industry in general. Focusing specifically on Canada, the site also links to other related websites of JAMA Canada members..
You will find on our site monthly statistics on Japanese-affiliated motor vehicle production in Canada, motor vehicle exports and imports as well as JAMA Canada members’ sales. In addition, you can access news and other reports online as well as an archive of our Japanese language newsletter, JAMA Canada Report.
Other features include Vehicle and Auto Parts Related Investments in Canada, purchasing contacts in Canada and around the world, archived materials, auto show and special event photos as well as links to JAMA offices in Japan and the United States, other automotive associations and trade related organizations.
We welcome your questions, comments and suggestions.
Thank you for visiting.