Message from JAMA Canada Chairman, Shigeru Takagi |
Welcome to JAMA Canada’s website. The purpose of our website
is to provide information about the Japanese-affiliated auto
industry in Canada to anyone interested in news, statistics,
facts and opinions about our members activities and the auto
industry in general. Focusing specifically on Canada, the
site complements other related websites of JAMA offices in
Japan and the United States.
You will find on our site monthly statistics on Japanese-affiliated
motor vehicle production in Canada, motor vehicle exports
and imports as well as JAMA Canada members’ sales. In addition,
we publish Auto Quarterly electronic newsletters in English
and French, as well as bilingual versions of our Annual Review.
Other features include Vehicle and Auto Parts Related Investments
in Canada, Purchasing Contacts in Canada and the US, position
papers, speeches and links to various related websites such
as JAMA Canada members, other automotive associations and
trade related organizations.
We welcome your comments and suggestions on the site and
the information provided.
Thank you for visiting JAMA Canada’s website.